Monday, May 3, 2010

Poster Light Box - Finishing it up

today I finished up the project, with exception of trim I plan on putting around the back edge of the box. I started by removing the screws from my frame and placing the Plexiglas back in. screwing the plexi back down making sure to sink the heads of the screws until they are flush, remember not to do this with the actual screw, but use a drill bit or a file, I used a cone grinding tip on my Dremel to make quick work of it. Here is a shot of my screws flush with the top of the plexi, it's a little blurry.

 Here is a shot of the bottom piece of plexi after it's been installed back in the box, as you can see the UV acrylic frosted the plexi.
Time to insert the poster before placing the frame on top of it. I used 3 pieces of scotch tape roughly 2" in length to hang the poster from the top of the frame. the rest of the poster will float in the frame in between the 2 pieces of plexi.

Now the frame goes on and the screws were inserted in the top and bottom of the side rails to keep the frame on the box. Just one in the top and one in the bottom of each side rail. I don't want to have to unscrew the world to change out the poster. It's just enough to hold the frame on. Then a touch of gold paint to help the screw blend in.

Next I needed to figure out how to hang the box. I picked up some Utensil Hooks from 3M with the command strips.
 I bent the hook down enough to make a loop.
 I attached the hooks to the box about 12" down from the top.
Then I attached Hanging wire between the 2 hooks.
 Everything looked good soon as I lifted the box by the wire to test the hooks one popped right off. Back to the drawing board. I broke the 5 minute epoxy back out and glued the hooks down. While the glue was drying I compressed the Hooks flat together trapping the hanging wire between so that the box will lye closer to the wall. pic is a little fuzzy.
Thats all for now, final pictures and thoughts to come once I get the box hung on the wall.

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