Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Poster Light Box - Final Thoughts

Where do I start. This was a fun project. Challenging at times because of my unwillingness to follow what others have done. All in all it looks very nice hanging in my living room. If i had it all to do again or if anyone wants to follow what I have done, Don't use foam board as a base, use a light wood instead. I wanted to use LED rope lights so that heat and FIRE were not a problem. with the high cost of LED rope lights i was forced to use incandescents. In the future when LED rope light prices drop, or I find a different light source I will replace the incandescent lights in my foam board box. In the future I will build another and use wood instead of foam board.

Other problems I ran into like mounting the box on the wall make this more of a pain than using wood. Also the sheer thinness of the foam board also caused some difficulties when creating some portions of the box. There were other difficulties like screws that made using foam board not worth the effort.

bottom line, Use Wood!

There were about 4 or so sites that I took information from to create my Light box, But if you want to build one of these masterpieces, My recommendation would be to follow this guys instructions and do as he did.


this is probably the best source I found in all my searching. His descriptions are excellent and his work is beautiful. Even though he built his boxes back in 2001 he is still updating his site so he is still active if you have questions.

As always anytime I can get the time and supplies to build props and costumes is always great fun and time well spent. Enjoy my creation, I know I will.

Happy building!

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