Friday, March 1, 2013

R2-D2: A long overdue update...The Skirt

It's been a while since I have updated.

After I finished the update on the frame I continued work on the skirt.But never updated the blog. The following are a few shots of the frame ans skirt dry fit together. It's a shame I have to take it all apart to glue it together.

 The slats placed in the provided slots. is a perfect snug fit.

 the top ring, err bottom which ever way you look at it, attached.
 A side shot of the completed skirt frame.

 The skirt attached to the frame.

 A shot of the complete structure.

Ahh...Painters tape is a wonderful thing. a shot looking down the body.

Frank's frame is a masterpiece. It's very strong and sturdy. I have been listening to my kids whine about R2 attacking them as they walk by. They have come away with some good scrapes and a few cuts. They have ran in to it a few times really good. Even through all of that with just the painters tape holding it together it hasn't given an inch. It's extremely sturdy. I'm very satisfied with this frame. Thanks a tone Frank. This thing is AWESOME!

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