Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Poster Light Box

Starting a new project today. I have always wanted on of the Back lit Poster boxes that you see at the theater. Now I have decided to make my own.

I have researched across the Internet for the last 2 days. I have seen the extreme prices that are charged by companies for manufactured poster light boxes ($400-$1500). I have also seen lots of great work with wood at a much cheaper cost ($150-$250), but I wanted something lighter due to all of my moving around.

after some considerable thought on the matter, I have decided to use Foam board, or foam core poster board, which ever you like to call it. Using peaces and parts of multiple peoples designs, I am going to construct a beautiful functioning box at a fraction of the cost of some of the wood boxes I have seen.

As I make progress I will document it all here.


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